Rabu, 23 Juli 2014


Hello readers... selamat pagi! yang lagi puasa masih semangatkan puasanya hari ini? hehe
Pagi ini gue pengen banget cerita tentang temen-temen SMA gue yang gokil banget. Jadi beberapa hari yang lalu, udah agak lama sih sebenernya gue ada acara buka bersama sama mereka. Tapi sayang banget kita cuma bertujuh, padahal sebenernya masih banyak anggota yang harusnya bisa ikut buber.

Buber kali ini kita makan di Lalapan Cak Pi'i yang ada di daerah Blimbing (hmm... ngomongin lalapan jadi agak ngiler nih, wkwkwk), kita bertujuh ini dulu waktu kelas dua SMA sekelas makanya akrab gitu. Yang dateng ada Icha, Oksy, Riza, Nisa, Piepie sama Amel, sayang banget si Dita, Yane, Khansa sama Nayla nggak bisa dateng. Padahal kalau udah kumpul sama mereka ini seru banget! ketawa mulu jatuhnya :D

Selesai buka puasa sama lalapan yang alhamdulillah mengenyangkan sekali, kita masih pengen nongkrong bareng mumpung ketemu kayak gini. Akhirnya kita ke Ling Ling Fruit House, waktu di sini ada kejadian yang nggak mengenakan sih buat kita tapi yaudahlah aku nggak mau bahas masalahnya itu, hehe. Yang perlu dibahas gimana kebersamaan kita aja :D

Beberapa hari kemudian....

Khansa ngajak buka bersama lagi, jadi ceritanya ada part II nya :D wkwkwk. Tapi sayang banget nih  anak-anak yang lain giliran pada absen :( Jadi acara buber ini cuma empat orang, ada Icha, Khansa sama Nayla. Tapi walaupun cuma empat orang, tetep jatuhnya becanda mulu, ketawa sampai capek :D wkwk.

Ini karena Nayla nggak bisa keluar jauh-jauh, akhirnya kita buber di Pizza Hot and Cafe yang tempatnya masih baru di daerah Sawojajar. Waktu kita buka puasa disini tempatnya tergolong sepi sih, mungkin karena emang masih baru gitu. Cafe ini interiornya cukup menarik, menunya juga lumayan tapi kalau mau kesini gue saranin pesen pizzanya aja yang paling enak, pizzanya ada level-level kepedasannya gitu :D

Kita lama banget nggak ketemu, apalagi gue udah lama banget nggak ketemu Nayla sama Khansa. Banyak cerita dan banyak perubahan dari kita ini. Khansa yang dulu orangnya kayak pemalu gitu sekarang udah bisa bercanda juga :D wkwkkw. Pokoknya seru banget nih keluar sama mereka.

Lama banget nggak ketemu mereka, sekali ketemu dipuas-puasin deh foto bareng-bareng kayak dulu waktu masih sekolah :D wkwkwk. Dan mungkin gara-gara ini juga kita jadi perhatiin waiters yang ada di situ :')

Nah! selesai buka puasa di Pizza Hot and Cafe, mumpung kita bisa keluar bareng jadi nongkrong sekalian deh, yah walaupun tetep aja di deket-deket Sawojajar :D wkwk. Awalnya mau ke Saboten tapi berhubung kenyang banget akhirnya kita ke Sarang Semut dan tetep aja disana acaranya ketawa ketiwi terus foto-foto juga :D hahaha.

Tapi waktu di Sarang Semut ini kita nggak banyak selfie berempat, yang banyak selfie couple semua :D hahaha. Harap maklum ini cewek-cewek peka kamera semua ;)

 Ini nih duo berkerudung Khansa sama Nayla :D

 Nah! kalau ini maafkan ke-alayan gue sama Icha :')

Seneng rasanya bisa ketemu mereka semua :') semoga aja kita tetep solid ya guys! :')
Hope this friendship never end! love you guys...

Senin, 21 Juli 2014


Hello readers, karena kemaren-kemaren gue sempet nulis tentang ulang tahunnya pacar gue, Reza. Sekarang gue mau cerita nih gimana acara kasih surprise ke dia.

*by the way kali ini gue nggak pake' english ya ceritanya, soalnya ini cerita kurang greget kalau nggak pake' bahasa gue sendiri :D wkwk
Seperti biasa tepat jam 00:00 gue kasih ucapan selamat ulang tahun bla bla bla.... ke Reza di sms sama bbm. Gue nggak ada acara akting cuek-cuek gimana gitu ya, soalnya udah mainstream. Jadi kemaren udah kayak biasanya aja kita bbm-an, terus dia pamit nih mau main ke rumahnya Berry. Dari sini gue mulai sekongkolan sama Berry dan Anas buat ngajakin Reza nanti pas habis maghrib keluar kemana gitu deh. Secara mereka berdua itu temen deketnya Reza, jadi bisa di atur kalau masalah ngajak keluar Re.

Awal rencana tuh habis maghrib, tapi tiba-tiba cancel di ganti habis tarawih, it's okay lah. Gue dari awal udah ajakin teh Wildan buat nemenin gue, biar gue nggak krik krik aja :') wkwk. Setengah delapan gitu kita berdua udah selesai beli donat di MOG, tapi si Anas sama Berry belum ada kabarnya. Waktu kita sms, ternyata mereka masih bingung dimana enaknya ngasih surprise buat Reza. Terus bla bla bla.... pokoknya debat antara ajak nongkrong di Suhat atau langsung dirumahnya Reza. Akhirnya fix kita kerumahnya Reza. gue sama teh Wildan udah on the way, terus Berry sama Anas juga udah bilang on the way.

pilih donat karena si Re nggak doyan tart
Waktu sampai di depan gang mau ke rumahnya Reza, kita nunggu si Berry sama Anas.. Gue sms dimana, mereka bilang di daerah Kota Lama dan lamaaaaaaa nggak dateng-dateng, coba tanyak dimana lagi, katanya di Mergosono, itu daerah udah lumayan deket banget sama rumahnya Reza tapi kenapa itu anak dua belum dateng-dateng -,- ampun dah! lamaaaaa banget sampai teh Wildan yang awalnya agak gila jadi gila beneran :') gue udah berkali-kali kena tipu dia sok-sokan anak-anak udah sampai dan waktu gue toleh ternyata bukan :') akting telfon Berry segala, padahal juga bohong :')
Bermenit-menit kemudian.....

Alhamdulillah akhirnya anak dua itu muncul juga :') Awalnya bakal ada anak-anak lain yang dateng, cuma karena keruwetan kita semua yang akhirnya sampai rumahnya Reza itu jam sembilan malem, bener-bener kemaleman banget jadi yang lain pada nggak dateng dan ujung-ujungnya cuma kita berempat.

Anas udah manggil Reza dari luar buat minta tolong bukain gerbang, sebenernya bisa aja Anas buka sendiri sih tapi kan ini buat mancing yang lagi umur 20 tahun keluar rumah terus di ceplokin telur sama Berry :D dan taraaaa... akhirnya kena! kena samping badan dia doang, wkwkwk. Terus gue keluar dari persembunyian sama teh Wildan ngasih kue, di tiup lilinnya dan ternyata yang ulang tahun balik tanya "ngapain kesini?" helloooo please deh :')
ini yang makin tua :p
Selesai Reza mandi, kita berlima ngobrol-ngobrol dan disini terbuka rahasia ilahi -,- *alay. Ternyata Anas sama Berry ngerjain gue sama teh Wildan -,- masa' iya bilang di Kota Lama lah, di Mergosono lah ternyata eh ternyata masih dirumahnya Anas bungkusin kado.. omegaaaaddd makanya lama -,-

Ini surprise kurang greget banget karena udah keburu malem dan gue sama teh Wildan adalah cewek baik-baik so udah jam sepuluh malem yuk mari pulaaangg :p wkwkwk.

numpang eksis ya :p
 *sayang nggak ada dokumentasi sama anak-anak -,- yang narsis cuma gue sama Re doang :D

Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

This Is For You...

I dedicate this post for my lovely boyfriend, Ahmad Reza Maulana :)

Hello Re,

Welcome in your twenty years age, you should be proud to growth surrounded by a people who loves you. Your family, bestfriend, friend and me, we really love you.

Twenty years age is the best time for you to understand how to realize your bright future. I knew you for a long time, you're a real man with more love for your family. I proud of you dear and really love you.

I wish you more getting closer to God, don't to forget and don't be late to always prayer. I wish you always make your family be proud, still be a humble person to everyone. Still be a good friends with high loyalty and honestly. And please still be my lovely boyfriend :')

Hmm.. I think I don't need to write every wishes in here, because your name always in my prayer everyday.
Just be better person than before dear, may God bless you :)

"You may grow old. but I will grow old along with you and our love will always stay young"


Jumat, 18 Juli 2014

Hello My Best!

Good morning my lovely bloggie and readers, have a nice day for you all.
Usually every morning I must help my mom, but this morning I have not a job so I think this time for write some stories in here :D

Four days ago, I've a break fasted with my bestfriends. Usually we called ourselves "Soulmate" :) 

We're Soulmate :)
We've been being a bestfriend since in junior high school, and event break fasting when the Ramadhan is came will be the our annual event. This year we break fast at one of the cafe in Soekarno Hatta Street, DNR Cafe. This cafe has good dishes and affordable prices. Why we choose the affordable prices? yeah, it's because we're a collage and who haven't a job :')
*for Indonesian people can called "bokek" , tee-hee.

But actually we doesn't matter where we break fasted, the most important is we shared our story and laughed together. After we had break fast in there, we decided to visit Ita's house.  In there we always shared some funny story from our friends in campus. But we don't take a picture again. This all picture we taken in DNR Cafe before we break fasted.

The first photo from left, I'm taked a picture with my best Ita. For the second photo in the center, I'm taked a selfie with my best Dina, and for the last is my best Fia.

There is always a new story  when we met, I love them.. always excited to spend the time with them :)

Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

The Double Tap!

Yesterday I felt so lucky on Instagram, why?
because this....
Yeah! I get the double tap from Konstantina and Elle, who they are?
They're my inspiration! I knew them from lookbook.nu , they are one of the famous people in lookbook.

*Lookbook.nu is an amazing web-site where amazing people share their amazing outfit ideas! :) I love that web-site!

They inspired me, even though they have a different characteristic. I loved the style of Konstantina, because I think she have an amazing style with elegant looks. And also I loved the style of Elle, I think she have a perfectly unique style. They're one of the most beautiful woman on this earth!

There is some looks of Elle-May, you can see all of her style on http://lookbook.nu/ellemay or you can check her blog stylishells.blogspot.com :D

And there is some looks from Konstantina,you can see all of her style on http://lookbook.nu/konstantina or you can check her blog serialklother.com :D

For my lovely readers who loves fashion, may be next post I will write some people who have interesting styles in lookbook.nu :D just wait  the next post guys...

Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

Yesterday, Lucky Day :)

Yesterday I;ve been break fast with "Bright" community. Bright  is community of some people who loves to sharing everything about broadcast. We decided to break fast at one of the japanese restaurants, Saboten Shokudo. As usual I always attend an event of Bright with my friend, Wildan.
*just for notice, Wildan is a name of girl not a boy :D

Wildan always pick me up to attend an event of Bright, on this event I didn't come just with Wildan, I also invited my old friend in senior high school Ila. So, we attend this event together. When he got in Saboten Shokudo, I get a surprised. What's a surprise? It turns out Reza also have an event at the restaurant.
*hmm.. but I think this isn't a surprise because when we go out with Damaris and Anas, I had read his write a text about break fast at Saboten. I just guessed will be meet him again at Saboten Shokudo which are in Dieng.

Reza has an event break fast with his old friend from senior high school and some friend from the other school. From the outset I've a plan to hang out with Kurix, Ivan, Wildan and Ila, but  we decided to hang out together as a reunion senior high school with Reza, Berry and Anas. We spend the night at DNR cafe which are in Soekarna Hatta street.

Really excited to had break fast with Bright, but unfortunely I've no photos of Bright :( Maybe next time I'll post about Bright :)
Moreover I also really have fun to spend the night with old friends, because may be a long time no see with them :D thank you guys for lastnight.

from the right side: Me, Wildan and Ila

Break Fast or Double Date? :D

Hello my lovely bloggie and readers, how are you today? no matter happens with you, I hope you always feeling blessed guys :)

A few days ago, I've been a time to meet some friends and spend our time to break fast. I always excited to have a break fast with Damaris and her boyfriend Anas, last year we did it in Waroeng Steak and Shake and this year alhamdulillah we also did it in Bebek Goreng H. Slamet. This is very interesting because I think this isn't about break fast but we can called the double dated.

After we had a break fast, we decided to look around in Mall Olympic Garden. Really I wanna laughed for this, because we didn't get there on a half of hour. We looks like people confused in there, then we decided to hang out in House of Juminten.

In there we spent our time to chitchat for some discussion and we laughed for some jokes, and the most insteresting topic was about election in my country and the quick count problems :D

Very excited to spend the time with them, I've three wishes for us. I wish this friendship for ever. I wish will be longlast for Anas and Damaris's relationship and also I wish will be longlast my relationship with Reza, amin, may God bless us :)

Senin, 07 Juli 2014

I Don't Care!

Hello readers! I'ts been a hard week for me and now I wanna write about what happens to me. Everyone have know that in our lives definitely we have haters and lovers. Maybe everyone think the live will be so perfect if all the people being a lovers to us and no haters. I think thats is bad idea. The life would be perfect if everything we have is balance. We should feel so lucky to have both, because the both are favorable although there are also has the demage.
I have the both, many lovers and also many haters. Who are my lovers is my family, bestfriend and boyfriend, they are always support me and close on never make me so sad or feeling down. Then who are the haters? maybe they are who feel jealously of what I have done.

They are said I'm a big crazy damn dreamer, the person who have a highly obsessed in everything, and also many judge for me. The ironic is they never said directly to me, they are just can judge me on behind me. First of all I'm down but I remember with my big deal for my life.

Haters gonna be my power to show them who I am. I'm the girl who are growing up to be the pretties woman but I think I cann't leave my hobbies to doing crazy thing with my friends. Dear haters, Don't you have a friends? don't you ever feel doing something crazy with your friends? if you said yeah, why you are look so busy to looking my weakness bitch?!

I'm  big dreamer be an accordance with my header blog, whats wrong if I have the big dream to visit New York?! This is my dream, why you are so serious to care my dream?! please a little bithces take care your own dream!

I'm part time blogger, may I'm not the good writer but I loved to post everything about my life in blogger. I write my real story about everything, my friends, bestfriends, boyfriends and family. And sometimes I loved to share how my fashion style or about photography. I'm not force my self to have highly obsessed being a writer, fashion blogger, photographer or anything. 

I just doing what I thought I can doing, I never force but still try to be the best.

Dear haters, I'm so sorry if you don't like me but I don't plan on changing for anybody!